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软件测试面试题  手机阅读
Q1. Write test case of square root 2 or any no.?
   Ans: focus on if the test case have the use of boundry value analysis and equivalance partioning used or not.
   Q2. if u have a requirement and u have made 50 test case for that, then how do u say . these test cases are sufficient, nor less nor too much (as while executing they r not wasting time)
   Ans. Test Stretgeies comes in pictures.
   Q3. if u have 100 test cases left and hv very less time. which test cases u will execute first
   Q4.can it be possible to live a product with known bugs in it., if yes how we will do it? do we tell the client?id yes how?


1. 外企测试工程师面试题

2. 中科软测试工程师面试题

3. 国外软件测试工程师面试题

4. 性能测试工程师的面试题

5. 软件测试工程师结构化面试题库

6. 软件测试工程师笔试题带答案

7. 测试工程师职业规划书

8. 硬件测试工程师应聘个人简历模板

9. 软件测试工程师应聘个人简历模板

10. 测试工程师程序员求职信范文






上一篇:外包公司软件测试工程师 下一篇:飞利信loadrunner和软件测试笔试题



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