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do you have any Best Practice for testing

软件测试面试题  手机阅读
Test everything that you want to work
   More test methods in your TestCase than in the class you are testing
   Tests should be as fine grained as possible
   Tests should be independent
   Should not take long to run (a few seconds)
   Easy to understand and read
   Make them safe
   Developers must know they are not destructive
   All developers must know about them
   Everyone who touches the code must run the tests.
   Determines how much of your code is covered by tests
   If developer changes functionality, they may need to update test
   Warning: you’ve changed the interface. Did you break someone else?
   Even better, all tests pass AND new tests were added for new code
   All tests pass all the time
   Don’t allow even one test the “always fails”
   Track down and fix the broken test immediately
   Automate running of tests
   Ex. All tests on tip revision of code get run automatically once per day with failures emailed.
   Run tests on code check-in
   Run tests before deployment
   Have a reasonable copy of your production environment in a dev area.

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《do you have any Best Practice for testing》



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